Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wet Moon 6 page 21

i may have mentioned it before on my website or livejournal in the past, but Penny, not Cleo, was the main character in the story that would later transform into Wet Moon. Cleo predates Penny by a few years, in a form super different than what she ended up being (i should try to find some old pre-Wet Moon artwork of some of the characters. Cleo was a 4-armed magical warrior faerie originally created for a Changeling: The Dreaming tabletop gaming campaign i was running, but that's a whole other blog post! XD), but Penny was the first real Wet Moon-type character i had and she's remained pretty much unchanged.

anyway, while Cleo was off in my tabletop games and also an unrelated fantasy sci-fi story i was writing, Penny was busy in a short story i wrote for my comic scripting class at the Savannah College Of Art & Design in 1999, sowing the seeds for Wet Moon. i can't remember what the assignment was but the idea was Penny was an interior decorator who was tangled up with a bunch of weird Twin Peaks-y clients and she gets inadvertently sucked into their drama and in turn gossips about it to the other clients, creating a web of melodrama between them all (i believe Fern was even a character in that concept, but she was way more fantastical back then and had an underground palace made of bones). the story i wrote had Penny going on a blind date with a guy who was secretly a monkey or something like that, but i wanted to do more with the idea and Penny as a character so i romped her story together with the more fantastical stuff i was having Cleo do at the time. and even though the idea was still amorphous and a long ways from what Wet Moon would become, that's where it all began and where Penny being Fern's interior decorator comes from.

Penny's name also comes from that original interior-decorator-web-of-drama concept, Penny is short for Penelope which depending on where you look means "weaver" referring to the web of melodrama she weaves, and also named after, of course, Odysseus's wife in The Odyssey who keeps suitors away by continually weaving a burial shroud.

it's a coincidence, but it's cool that both Penny and Cleo (short for Cleopatra!) have names of not only Greek origin, but from larger-than-life Greek figures (one real and one fictional, but both kind of mythological).

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start at page 1


  1. Duly noted. I'm often too chicken shit to repurpose characters from other genres.

    1. i find it often works pretty well! you just gotta take the plunge. :D

  2. super cool! i think i remember you talking a little about Cleo's origins before, but not in as much depth. and the beginnings of Penny are so cool, i love the story for the original script you wrote with her in it! you have such a talent for combining the surreal and spooky with the fascinatingly mundane drama of every day life! ;)

    1. thanks, Kaylie! i wish i could find some of the early proto-Wet Moon art, i'm sure i must still have it, my mom saves everything, but i have no idea where it might be buried. :(

  3. awesome backstory!!! and great page :D

    were any of the other characters (or even character names) in your original Penny story?

    1. thanks, Nick!!
      man, i can't remember. i do remember the monkey guy eventually became Jeff in Wet Moon, but he's only in like 2 panels in volume 3 so i'm not sure he counts. i really can't remember who the other clients i'd created for Penny's story were other than Fern, and i no longer have any of the notes i made from back then. i never did much art for it, i remember, so i never did drawings of the rest of the characters so they're probably lost forever.

  4. It's cool to know things like this! I'm a writer too, and I love knowing how things come together for others creators.

    This is an awesome page and I want to give everyone a hug. <3

  5. I just wanted to leave a quick message, but I've been following your work for something like eight years, now. Your style has been SO inspirational to me, and it's been fascinating watching your work grow. I'm a plus sized, artistic queer gothy chick, so girls like Cleo and stories like Wet Moon are really inspiring to me, and definitely were when I was in high school too.

    Fern and Penny interacting together is by far my favorite thing, though. I love Fern, she's incredible as a character.

    1. wow, 8 years! thanks so much for sticking with me all this time! <3 i really appreciate it!!! you made my day.

      i wish i could fit in more Penny/Fern stuff, i feel like i could write an entire book about them, but it's so tough juggling all the storylines and characters and giving everyone their pagetime. :(

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